Hike Today

Trying to beat the stay-at-home blues over here in Terra Linda.  We took a walk in the heavy rain today with friend Eric.  Stopped for some hot chocolate at the top of the hill, then hurried home!

Derek Parfit

Derek Parfit has few memories of his past and almost never thinks about it, a fact that he attributes to an inability to form mental images.

Well, Derek Parfit has died.

Who was Derek Parfit?  Well, he was one of those intellectual philosopher guys who other intellectual philosopher guys like to call a genius. But, as far as Robert can figure, non-intellectual guys don’t really stand a chance of understanding why his thinking was so important. He wrote really long books that took him a long time to write.

Robert has seen Derek Parfit referenced as a philosopher who believed that there are “true” answers to moral questions. That there is a correct morality. Other than that, Robert does not know much.

He was, it seems, a totally dedicated educator.

It is fun to read about these guys.

This 2011 profile in the New Yorker is worth a read.

Winter Sailing

The Pierces did a little winter sailing today. Great way to get the kids out of the house!

Of course, Cadie finds it a bit boring . . .




Robert is happy to report that he came in third out of four boats in his class this last weekend at the first meeting of the midwinter sailboat regatta at the Richmond Yacht Club.  He consistently came in  a few seconds ahead of a 14 year-old boy sailing with his little sister. Woo Hoo!  Crushed ’em. We’ll see if he can hold his third place standing after next month’s races.

Here’s a video of something a little different. Note the angle of the boat at 2:35 . . . No thank you . . .