- Amelia Earhardt
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Autumn is in the Air
Third grade book report posters must be due soon!
- Robert Pierce III, Alex Rider SuperSpy
- Robert Pierce Jr., Proust Book Report Poster
WD-40 Presents
The squeeky door app . . .
Morning Readers
15 (perhaps 4) Minutes of Fame
Last week something interesting happened. For the first time, one of Robert’s blog posts on his law firm site went viral, as they say. To set some context, that website typically gets about 5 hits a day. And most of those hits are from search engine bots.
Well, on about Thursday of last week things lit up. Someone noticed a recent blog post by Robert that analyzed, and was critical of, the software license used by Facebook for its React project, which it touts as an “open source” project.
Well, a developer found that post and a discussion on the Hacker News site ensued. A good number of twitter posts, etc. Robert won’t bore you with the details (and they are pretty boring). Let’s just say that there were quite a number of mentions on the internet with the title: “Lawyer says React license not open source.” Robert is pretty sure the folks at the Facebook open source group are cussing him out this week.
Anyway, it was worth 29,488 hits as of today. It even made Javascrip Weekly. But you already know that!
SpringHill Farm Field Trip
Today Cadie’s first grade class went on their first field trip. To Spring Hill Farm for some pumpkin and potato picking. Also, each kid got to milk a cow, pet a calf, run in a hay maze, play in dried corn and, best of all, eat fresh ice cream.
The kids learn about farming and animals. Very cool.
The curriculum may not be 100% effective, however. After milking a cow, one student told Robert: “I touched his nuts.”
Robert was happy to participate in the 69th annual El Toro Stampede sailboat regatta today at the Richmond Yacht Club. The El Toro boat was invented there, and there have been kids and others sailing them for a long time.
Today the Richmond club also hosted the Nationals for the U20 boats. Ooooh. Robert will take one of those. Much easier on the knees..
Robert is proud to say that he is making continuous improvement with his sailboat racing skills. In today’s first race, he failed to finish. In the second race, he came in last. That’s improvement!
He treated himself to a San Pelligrino soda after it was all over. Prickly pear and orange. Ummm.
- Sweet Pea
- Casa Los Toritos
- The competition
- U20
- U20
- Open 5.20
- Coming Home
- Ahh. Refreshing