Author Archives: Bob Pierce, Jr.

She’s Sharp!

Look at those grades! Wow!

Keep it up, Cadie!


Bergson on Laughter


Laughter is a collection of three essays by French philosopher Henri Bergson, first published in 1900. It was written in French, the original title is Le Rire. Essai sur la signification du comique (Laughter, an essay on the meaning of the comic). As Mark Sinclair comments in Bergson (2020): with this essay ‘Bergson belongs to the small number of major philosophers to have addressed in depth the topic of laughter and the comic as its source’.[1] Furthermore, that the essay is ‘a transitional, pivotal moment in Bergson’s philosophy as a whole’.[2]

Baseboard Party


The Pierces got a new hardwood floor.  Now comes the baseboards, installed by members of the family.

This is our third Sunday  Pierce Family Baseboard Party!

As a firm Robert rule, all installation of baseboards must be accompanied by music from one of the classic Led Zeppelin albums (i.e., I-IV).

To wit:  Led Zeppelin I

Mira’s comment.  Is Led Zeppelin from England or the US?

Grounds for divorce.