Author Archives: Bob Pierce, Jr.
Rendevouz de L’Erdre
Robert says: “You gotta be kidding me. For “F” sake.”
Cult of the Guitar
We’re self-learning the guitar here in Novato.
Since Robert knows nothing about it all, he’s simply pushing the Pink Floyd and waiting to see what happens.
At least three doses a day.
Very Happy
The Pierces are very happy to be settling into their new house in Novato. It has been a very very long time coming. Thanks to all our friends and relatives who heard and witnessed the fretting for so long. One thing is for sure, Robert and Mira don’t take this for granted.
And, at long last, Robert can look out his window and not see a car. Dream achieved!
Free to Be
Worth revisiting every few years . . .
Junior Sailing 2021 -2022
Bob Ross
Bumbling Fool . . . or is he?
Robert is reading a book he picked up in a thrift store in Idaho. It is called A Thousand Acres, by Jane Smiley. Mira says she’s a well-known writer. There is apparently a movie made from this book.
Robert will reserve general comment on the book and the writer, but he really likes one part.
See below.
The book is about farming and goes on at length describing farm life and the character of farmers. The writer describes one farmer in a way that Robert really enjoyed because it describes a guy with the personality that pretty much nails the one that Robert has always tried to achieve. Namely, the self-described (and actual) bumbler who, in the end, everyone recognizes as an achiever. Really cool if one can pull it off. Robert’s pretty sure he’s got the first half nailed.
But the really perceptive part of the passage is the part that describes the freedom that is enjoyed by the person with this character-type. What is this guy? Extremely selfish character full of false humility? Or is he giving more than he takes? Or, is he just a hugely innocuous nothing-burger? Nice writing.
Pretty Much Robert’s Heroes
In Robert’s estimation, most of the people out there doing this kind of thing are not really to be admired for any special reason. After much review, however, Robert can pronounce that these folks appear to have it going on. First child in 2008. Ugh. He’s jealous. If he could do it over again . . .