Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Puget Sound is Big

The Pierce family recently made their long-awaited trip to the Puget Sound. Robert has been hearing lots about it since he picked up his little sailing hobby, so he was happy to finally check it out. One of the many things that have been going on up there for the last 10 years or so is the Race to Alaska boat race, which starts in Port Townsend and ends in Ketchikan, Alaska.

Robert has mentioned to a few friends how large an area of water the Puget Sound is and how much sailing opportunity it provides. It is hard to describe.

The below photo was taken by Robert from the top of Mt. Erie on Fidalgo Island. It shows a fairly large body of water that is a part of the Puget Sound. It looks pretty big, but given the scale of things, it is proportionately very small.

To demonstrate, looking the below map, you will see a small red dot. EVERYTHING you see in the above photograph is covered by that red dot.

The yellow line is the course of the Race to Alaska.