Ahh . . . Politics

Can you say whiplash?

Just for fun, let’s all look back on what Paul Krugman was writing in the New York Times a few months back, shall we?

The election was rigged by James Comey, the director of the F.B.I. His job is to police crime — but instead he used his position to spread innuendo and influence the election. Was he deliberately putting a thumb on the electoral scales, or was he simply bullied by Republican operatives? It doesn’t matter: He abused his office, shamefully.


The election was also rigged by people within the F.B.I. — people who clearly felt that under Mr. Comey they had a free hand to indulge their political preferences. In the final days of the campaign, pro-Trump agents have clearly been talking nonstop to Republicans like Rudy Giuliani and right-wing media, putting claims and allegations that may or may not have anything to do with reality into the air. The agency clearly needs a major housecleaning: Having an important part of our national security apparatus trying to subvert an election is deeply scary. Unfortunately, Mr. Comey is just the man not to do it.

Here’s a good conversation.  Robert does not often find people in newspapers saying things he agrees with. Nice when it happens.

It says, in part, something that Robert has been trying to articulate for a week.

“Trump! Anybody who followed Comey through his Bush-era heroics, his destruction of Hillary and now this new incarnation should realize that he has a huge ego and a stupendous instinct for self-preservation. If I was president, my plan would be to flatter him delicately, asking for his opinion on law enforcement policy (like Obama did) and steer very, very clear of doing anything that would make him feel threatened.

The amazing thing about this latest story is that Trump never took the time to figure Comey out — the person with perhaps the most capacity in all Washington to do him harm. Once again we see that this alleged dealmaker isn’t even as crafty as your average entry level secretary.”